Feminist Anti-Psychiatry: The Other Side of Underneath

Made in 1972, Jane Arden’s The Other Side of Underneath was the only British film of the decade to be solo-directed by a woman. A boldly feminist film in its engagement with, and rejection of, the contemporary place of women in British society, the film is also unique for its take on mental illness. Arden’s […]

A Complicated Dualism: An Interview with Patricia Rozema

Patricia Rozema comes by her interest in dualism naturally. Raised in a Calvinist home in southern Ontario, religious fables — dealing in warring virtues and identities — formed the criterion of her childhood. Mindful of the efficacy of these tales, her directing career has stood in opposition to convenient symmetry. For Rozema, discord — between […]

Anne Émond: Exploring Identities Through Women’s Bodies

“What do you see when you look in the mirror? I see the scar above my lip from chicken pox, my mother’s smile and I hear my high school friend screaming out my nickname,  ‘cheekbones.’ When I look in the mirror I see my crooked teeth and my hairy arms. I strain to see my […]

Laugh at the Face that Eats You: Cecelia Condit’s Possibly in Michigan

Screenshot_Possibly in Michigan

“I’m someone who’s had more dead bodies in my closet than most people.” Cecelia Condit attempts to hide the smile accompanying this enigmatic statement, disclosed during a recent screening of her video shorts featuring works spanning over 30 years. Moments later, describing her “luck” in sourcing two sisters fluent in trauma to shoot a recent […]

Single Take/Infinite Views: La Casa Muda

Gustavo Hernández’s low-budget Uruguayan horror film La Casa Muda (2011) stands out for two novelties: it’s based on real life grisly events and was made to appear as if it was shot in one continuous take. While the first has a salacious appeal, it’s the latter formal element that becomes suggestive of something far more […]