First Kiss: The awakening erotics of Camila Saldarriaga’s ¡Mais Duro!
I remember the moment my self-awareness expanded to include eroticized curiosity about other people—I was five when I had my first kiss, with another girl, in front of a porcelain Precious Moments clock depicting two dancing children. “You do what the girl does and I’ll do what the boy does,” she said, as if they […]
“Because it is a big deal…”: A conversation with author Soraya Roberts about virginity and My So-Called Life
“Sex made your whole life start and if you think about life as like a circle, sex and death are like the same.” – Angela Chase Angela Chase (Claire Danes) takes sex seriously. Her attitude may seem overly dour, but the seriousness with which the protagonist of the short-lived ‘90s teen drama My So-Called Life […]