The Chaos of the Void in Zia Anger’s I Remember Nothing

Still from I Remember Nothing: the first Joan (played by Audrey Turner) sits in a classroom looking disengaged, wearing her trademark red baseball cap.

My first epileptic seizure happened on a Saturday morning when I was nine years old. I remember the sudden, painful oppressiveness of light and sound and a sharp headache that had me looking towards the ground and wanting to bury my head under a pillow or blanket. Feeling lethargic after breakfast, I went back to […]

‘A film has to give’: An interview with Valérie Massadian about Milla

To give—what a startling idea in this era of acquisitive capitalism. But every aspect of Valérie Massadian’s filmmaking is a study in reciprocity. It’s in her patient camerawork, which takes in the physical gestures that often replace words. It’s in her keen sensitivity to the textures and details of domestic spaces: a rickety window frame, […]

Anne Émond: Exploring Identities Through Women’s Bodies

“What do you see when you look in the mirror? I see the scar above my lip from chicken pox, my mother’s smile and I hear my high school friend screaming out my nickname,  ‘cheekbones.’ When I look in the mirror I see my crooked teeth and my hairy arms. I strain to see my […]